Saturday, June 29, 2013

Packing With Cancer

I am currently sitting in the airport waiting for our delayed flight to start our honeymoon! Yay! I am so excited we were allowed to go. 

Let me just say that packing was a royal b*tch though and almost did me in. I am one of those people who naturally tends towards ridiculously organized, over prepared, and prompt. This means a normal trip for me starts with a list of things to do and a packing list divided into categories. I save my lists so I don't reinvent the wheel each time I travel and it seems to work well for me.  

Thursday, June 27, 2013


This post is a two parter because I have two unrelated things to say about food.  Please feel free to read either post or both, it’s up to you.  I won’t know the difference!

Food Glorious Food! – This post is about my mouth sores and how they can affect your mood and eating.

Cancer Nutrition – This is about what I have done in regards to eating healthy and about how others always have suggestions for me.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Oh Hair!

I was not one of those women whose first thought at diagnosis was “I don’t want to lose my hair.” No, not even close.  My first thought was “I don’t want to die.”  My hair was not a real concern, not at all.  I didn't think about my hair at all until the first time I found out I was getting chemo back in December and even then I didn't dwell on it.  Sure, every time I go to the hospital and see a bald woman I get a little freaked out, a pixie cut even induced panic in me once.  All those bald heads were just a reminder of cancer.  It meant they were sick.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Val Skinner Foundation LIFE Event 2013

On Monday, June 10, 2013 I got to share my story at the Val Skinner Foundation LIFE Event.  The room was packed with about 130 professional golfers, donors, healthcare professionals and company heads.  I was so nervous about keeping it together when I got up there to speak.  How do you tell people something so personal, so fresh, so in the moment without bursting into ugly tears and sobs? 

TED talk by another Triple Negative Breast Cancer patient

What is Inspiration?: Julia Selinger at TEDxPSUAD

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Patience Patients

As a cancer patient, time is of the essence.  Especially at stage 4.  I feel like I want to savor every moment I get; I don’t want to wait in lines or wait for late people or waste time doing things that can be done more efficiently.  I can see that other cancer patients have the same thoughts through their actions and really, don’t we have a right to be this way?  We've been told (some of us) that our lives will be cut short and to make every day count.  At the age of 33 I shouldn't be thinking about my mortality but just assuming I will outlive social security, see my grandchildren graduate high school, make it to the age where I can take money out of my IRA penalty free, and be a wacky old lady with crazy grey hair and bright red lipstick.
But there is one place where I am extremely patient and this is at the hospital.  I’m not patient with waiting weeks for an appointment, that’s not what I'm talking about.  I am talking about arriving for my appointment, waiting for them to see me, waiting for treatment while the pharmacy reads my blood work and mixes my cocktail.  Patience is a virtue.  Accuracy in my test results and chemo bag is essential and I will wait for that.  I will wait all day.  It is worth it.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

About me:

Well, I am a 33 year old wife, doggie momma, derby girl (aka Slamour Doll), friend, daughter, occasional yogi and full time cancer warrior.  A few months ago I was diagnosed with stage IV triple negative breast cancer.  The "tricky" kind, so I'm told.  I decided to start a blog because I've taken a few weeks off from work for my latest clinical trial (my 2nd in 6 months) and I think that occasionally I have something interesting to say.  Guess we'll see. LOL
I will post some of my journal entries from earlier in this cancer battle as we go along.  For now, enjoy this beautiful day and each day you are given. XOXO